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My Works

Daily life





Growth process



From the moment Eden could hold a pen, drawing became a cherished part of daily life. What began as simple doodles on paper has, over the past seven to eight years, evolved into a profound exploration of the world through art. Starting with characters from "Journey to the West" and eventually moving on to "Star Wars," Eden’s drawings have grown from two-dimensional shapes to complex spatial representations.

For Eden, drawing is more than just a hobby; it’s an essential part of life, a source of joy, and a way to explore boundless imagination. As Eden has grown, this passion for drawing has expanded into a strong interest in digital art and programming, where significant progress has also been made. Eden’s confidence, attentiveness, self-learning capabilities, imagination and creativity have flourished through drawing as well.

This page is primarily designed as a collection of his works, including drawings, games, animations, and crafts. Please enjoy and feel free to provide your valuable feedback.


My name is Eden, and I am about to turn 12. I am from Beijing and now live in Montreal. I am passionate about drawing and programming. Drawing is an essential part of my life, a source of happiness, and a way to explore infinite imagination.


From the moment Eden could hold a pen, drawing became a cherished part of daily life. What began as simple doodles on paper has, over the past seven to eight years, evolved into a profound exploration of the world through art. Starting with characters from "Journey to the West" and eventually moving on to "Star Wars," Eden’s drawings have grown from two-dimensional shapes to complex spatial representations.

For Eden, drawing is more than just a hobby; it’s an essential part of life, a source of joy, and a way to explore boundless imagination. As Eden has grown, this passion for drawing has expanded into a strong interest in digital art and programming, where significant progress has also been made. Eden's confidence has flourished through drawing, and art has played a crucial role in their development.

Through showcasing Eden’s work and moments of daily life, this platform aims to convey the importance of perseverance and the value of striving to achieve one’s dreams.


Understanding trains at the age of three

Growth process

Baby's scribble art at the age of three or four


transportation at four years old